The world is running out of scant resources and it is up to us as individuals to conserve and slow our rate of consumption. This can mean using less water in the home and cutting down on power to reverse an alarming upwards trend.
Solar hot water and electrical power generation has been helped along with the government's renewable energy credits which go a long way towards making this an affordable and attractive option. Electric or hybrid cars will also play their part although I think many people are more excited about the new 3D TVs just along the horizon. Speaking of hybrids, I read recently about the next generation of nuclear reactors, some of which are fission/fusion devices that are designed to be both safe and economical. Even James Lovelock of Gaia fame has come out in support of technology which may have had a bad press over the decades but has reached a level of maturity that makes it preferable to coal fired power that is dirty and dangerous to humankind.
A techno fix is all well and good but history tells us that more individual sacrifice is required in order to rein in pollution and all that goes with it including Global Warming. So walk instead of taking the car when possible. Turn off all electrical appliances and lights when not in use and try to reduce your carbon footprint. Remember the old say; if you want something done, do it yourself.